PerroAutonomo released test footage from their first-person Resident Evil project last September, which shows the player roaming around the infamous Spencer mansion before taking on a wandering zombie. While the original three entries in the series popularized the third-person fixed camera perspective, the beta of "Biohazard" brings the quarter of a century old game into an era in which the modern Resident Evil games favor the first-person viewpoint. It should also be mentioned that the modder has made the beta free to download and insists this is a fan project not intended for profit.DRAGON BALL FighterZ is born from what makes the DRAGON BALL series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters.ĭRAGON BALL FighterZ is born from what makes the DRAGON BALL series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters. Partnering with Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FighterZ maximizes high end Anime graphics and brings easy to learn but difficult to master fighting gameplay.

High-end Anime Graphics Using the power of the Unreal engine and the talented team at Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FighterZ is a visual tour-de-force.